The above is a beautiful piece of writing, Thank you.

There is much to appreciate in Sunyata, your particular take is refreshing.

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Thank you, friend

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This article is a piece of wisdom full of emptiness! Thanks for such a beautiful explanation, Ruben.

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Thanks Vismay!

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Thank you for this beautiful and grounding piece of writing. Being in the mind sciences and interested in spiritual awakening, I sometimes struggle with the temptation to take concepts as more real than direct experience. Even ideas like emptiness and formlessness can become rigid in their own way, and I’ve caught myself falling into the trap of scientific bypassing—another idea you’ve written about beautifully.

But your work and writing are really helping me loosen up and be more open to spontaneity and insight, instead of constantly getting stuck in my head. Apart from that, I find a renewed interest and motivation in the contemplative practices which I was ignoring for a while in my quest to understand the mind through abstract models of science. And I feel deeply indebted for that.

Thank you very much for what you are doing. And I’d love to collaborate someday since we’re drawn to so many of the same things. Cheers! :)

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Full of ‘’myself’’ i will say that your inference reminds me of my segments arbitraires. ☮️

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Hello Ruben, i was playing the same game of essence/categorization these days and i got stuck with gold. I totally get that a chair, a tree, a car, exhibit no essence depending on how you use it, and that a simple abstract idea like triangle, even if they seem to have an essence (three point making a form) are manmade idea nowhere to be found in reality. But what about gold, it exists and can be very precisely describes as the chemical element formed by the electronic structure [Xe] (4f)14 (5d)10 (6s)1 ?

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