Of course! I am totally gonna spend 10 seconds reading more than two words of a text with a title that by itself tells everything about the author. Its a no-name with no knowledge tha will forever be stuck at beying nothing, knowing nothing and making no difference. Because of self-entitlement lies of intelligence told in front of a mirror because of the fear of that truth.

Keep at it, girl! Fart the likes of karl friston in random blogs and whatever else i dont care you spend time doing

Just please try not to pollute sound by talking or vision by posting when I'm studying a real persons work. Jeez. Go grab something there! Good girl! Shoosh!

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Hi, to what extent do you think that the difference between those who emerge from psychedelic-induced clay state positively (eg with a workable reality-based error reducing meta model of the epistemic space) rather than negatively (eg with a reality-clashing meta model of error maximising beliefs) depends on the ability to continue to pay attention to mental processes as they occur rather than being lost in experience? And how does attentional capacity relate to dosing of psychedelics?

I am not a believer in consciousness as a mystical property of the mind or universe. I think it must be a representational model or connected series of models so am persuaded more by Graziano’s perspective than any spiritual or pan-psychic perspective. On that basis, I prefer to think that ‘expanding’ consciousness is something like altering our attention schema to allow dream-like states that the mind is capable of compiling (the opposite of ordinary, boring, Zen-like awakening to the here and now) to be be given more weight through attention itself. Could it be in part that unconscious attention = negative, conscious attention = positive?

I very much look forward to reading your future findings!



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Excellent question. I'm working on a 'cartography of insight' right now, wherein the dereification (i.e., paying attention to mental processes) is a special kind of meta-insight. That is, it's not an insight that has content, but an insight about contents. I personally think that such meta-insights play a protective role in a psychedelic experience (or any experience for that matter) and is one of the core functions of contemplative practices. It permits the new insights to be 'held lightly'. So basically, I think your intuition is right (for what it's worth). I'll have to think a bit further about the second part of your comment. Thanks Sarra, for the engaging thoughts.

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Thanks for your reply. V interested to learn more about your cartography of insight in due course.

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